Tantra is an ancient spiritual science that originated in Northern India thousands of years ago as a path to Self-realization. At its core, Tantra is about releasing energetic, emotional, and physical blocks that prevent you from fully experiencing your true nature, which is clarity, bliss, joy, love, and equanimity. 

While this may seem like a lofty goal, Tantra is ultimately about embracing the grace and joy of the journey itself. 

What makes Tantra so special, and why I have adopted it as a way of life, is its inclusivity. In Tantra, all emotions and energies are honored as part of the spiritual practice. Nothing is suppressed, bypassed, or shamed. Instead, we learn to discover the wisdom in every experience and tap into the powerful fuel that exists in all energy and emotion. 

Tantra encompasses a wide range of styles and lineages, each with its unique practices. Some traditions include sexual practices, while others do not. 

In the West, Tantra is often equated with Sacred Sexuality or mindful sex practices. While conscious, connected intimacy is beautiful, Tantra goes far beyond just that. 

Tibetan 5 element tantra

As an Authentic Tantra® Practitioner, my teachings are rooted in Vajrayana Tantra, also known as Tibetan 5 Element Tantra, which is a lineage-based practice. A lineage originates from an Enlightened Being and is passed down through generations from teacher to student. I have the privilege of sharing the feminine aspects of the Tibetan 5 Elements from the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. 

"Tantra is not just a practice, but a profound journey of self-discovery.

It's the art of weaving the threads of body, mind, and spirit into a

tapestry of ecstatic wholeness, where every breath becomes a prayer, every touch a blessing,

and every moment an opportunity for divine union."


The word "Tantra" means "to weave." In Vajrayana Tantra, it refers to the weaving of light, sound, and form. Light is represented through visualizations, sound through the chanting of mantric syllables, and form through the body. 

This is a Shamanic lineage. While in shamanism the elements are worked with externally, in Tantra we call upon the wisdom of the elements to work through our sacred bodies. 

This sacred technology helps to heal and balance our energy, emotional, and physical bodies, allowing us to reconnect with our true nature and universal Love and Wisdom. 

Initially, these weaving practices are performed in non-sexual contexts to build a solid foundation and deepen your relationship with the techniques. Once fully integrated, they can be applied to sexual experiences, harnessing this powerful life force energy for the healing of mind, body, and spirit. 

The Shangpa Kagyu lineage is unique in that it offers specific teachings for laypeople to actively and directly work with sexual energy through the Tibetan 5 Element Practices.